5/6 and 11+ Prelims at West U
West U Rec Center: 4210 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, TX 77025. This is an 8 lane, 25-yard, indoor pool. Times will be faster because the pool is shorter.
6 and under Prelims:
- Check in 4:30/ Warm-up at 4:50/ Meet - 5:15 - 6:30
11 and up Prelims:
- Check in 6:30/ Warm up at 6:50/ Meet 7:15 - 9:00
A few notes about Prelims:
- West U hosts ALL teams for this Prelim. Each team has a designated location around the pool so please avoid setting up chairs in a team's location (see picture below).
- Swimmers will only compete in their best 3 strokes. There are no relays. Relay teams for Finals will be picked by Coach.
- There are no ribbons since Prelims are about individual times across all heats.
- You must have participated in at least one dual meet in order to participate in Prelims.
- Please do not participate in Prelims if you are not able to attend Finals.
- Each lane will have 3 timers to ensure the most accurate time.
- After each event, the results will be posted in a common area so swimmers will immediately know who advanced to Finals.
- Practices will continue through Prelims and Finals.
Who Qualifies for Finals?
- 12 & Unders - The top 12 times plus 2 alternates for each event
- 13 & Aboves - The top 6 times plus 2 alternates for each event
To make Prelims & Finals successful, we need LOTS of volunteers! We have available spots for all 3 nights. You can volunteer for Finals even if you do not have a child swimming …. come support the Wahoos! If your child qualifies for Finals, you will be required to volunteer on Thursday.
Parking is limited at West U. There is a gravel lot on the far side of the fields, which is for swim team use. This gravel lot fills up quickly. If you park in the neighborhood, do not block driveways or the fire lanes or your car will be towed!
The meet will go on! If there is rain, space will be limited. If there is lightening, the garage doors will be closed. NOTE: Parents will not be allowed on the pool deck once the doors close. There will be limited viewing downstairs in the small viewing room and upstairs at the viewing window. Please move back from the window(s) when your child is not swimming to allow parents with children currently swimming to move to the window(s).
West U offers food trucks. There are also vending machines within the West U Rec Center.